News & Updates:
09/01/2007: Editorial on Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine reviews GoSurfer.
05/15/2007: Software update: GoSurfer takes gene clusters as input.
03/18/2007: Software update. New script downloadable at "Download" page.
08/08/2006: Application example: Gene expression analysis of bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 11, 965–978.
04/05/2006: GoSurfer is cited by
A Primer of Genome Science, published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
03/03/2006: GO structure file is updated. Some new Gene Information Files are
06/30/2005: GoSurfer is rated as "the fastest Gene Ontology analysis tool" by Purvesh Khatri and Sorin Draghici's review article in Bioinformatics.
04/29/2004: A short tutorial is available. It can
also be activated in the GoSurfer program by using the "Help->Online Tutorial"
03/20/2004: The false discovery rate (FDR) for GO-term to gene-list association
test can be calculated from menu "Analysis->FDR". Users can highlight the GO
terms with small FDRs (q-values) from menu "Analysis->Highlight->Significance
test: adjusting for multiple hypothesis testing".
Sheng Zhong and Dan Xie. Gene Ontology analysis in multiple gene clusters
under multiple hypothesis testing framework.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2007. 41:105-115
Zhong S, Storch F, Lipan O, Kao MJ, Weitz C, Wong WH. GoSurfer: a graphical interactive tool for comparative analysis of large gene sets in Gene Ontology space. Applied Bioinformatics 2004, 3(4): 1-5. Abstract, Technical report
For questions and suggestions,
please contact:
Dan Xie, Dept of Bioengineering, University of Illinois and Urbana-Champaign
This site was last updated 11/23/07